Sunday, October 26, 2008


Does Shreveport Have a Church Like This?
Goddess bless New Zealand! I need to go to a church like this. (Kathryn)

21 Katee

Katee is 21. We are celebrating for days... Here's a video of a man who turned 100. Not that when your 21 you worry about that but when you're the momma of a 21er the notion begins to enter your brains. Please no bent over in a wheelchair future for me...(Kathryn)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall Fall Fall

Stop Taking Pictures Face
Katee crawled in to bed with me today. She's not feeling well (brain). We may have to see about getting her meds adjusted. She's taking four classes at LSUS. In a week she will be 21.

Watched Graduating Peter this weekend. An HBO documentary about a teenager with Downs Syndrome. There were things he did well like bowling. And other things he struggled with like tying his shoes (why the hell didn't they just get him shoes with Velcro?).

And why the hell did they make him at age 15 start working at boring ass jobs -- sweeping out city buses, washing dishes and washing clothes. No wonder he was depressed. If I thought all I could do was crap jobs like that for the rest of my life, I'd be depressed. Crap jobs are okay if you are older and have to pay rent and put food on the table but one hopes you've got a plan to move into something you like eventually. But how do you know what you like if at age 15 you are never given the chance to discover your passion. Having mental retardation doesn't mean you can't have passion. Like riding on a city bus or something else.

Peter should have had the time to explore and develop interests. He reacted with typical teen boredom when forced to do what he didn't like. Who wouldn't? There are so many interesting things to do in the world why shut down his options like that? (Kathryn)

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Secret Crush

True Blood True Blood
I had to struggle to get through the first episode I saw because the accents are so off. But... then somehow this thing has grown to be a favorite right up there with Pushing Daisies. Those are two shows Katee and I are enjoying together. DVRing lights up my bleak life.

How could I not watch it? The thing is set in a fictional town one hour north of Shreveport (Kathryn)