Sunday, January 20, 2008


I'm spending way too much money at Wal-Mart. I went there yesterday and again today. Funny thing is we don't buy any drugs there. Those we get from K-Mart, Walgreens, QVL and sometimes CVS.

The scary part of today's trip was I thought we were going for enchilada fixin's but Katee had a list. A Katee list. She requires more beauty products in a year than I've gotten in my entire life. I had one Flicker razor that my mom made me shave with for the entire time I was in high school.

When we tally up the order it's over a hundred dollars. Katee pops up and says "I've got twenty."

"Where'd that come from?"

"Gas. Money. You gave me."

"You better keep that for gas."

"Just thought I'd offer."

We did go to the Family Dollar store and buy dog pee pads. Share my wealth with everyone is my motto. (Kathryn)


Robot Dancers said...

Walmart is eeeeevil. Not just because it is a blood sucking corporation but because they trick you into spending all of your money with their rool back prices.

Crazy In Shreveport said...

I know but I keep going back to them like a bug drawn to a zappuh!