So, I have a Livejournal. And when you have a Livejournal (or, as lazy people like myself say, an LJ), you can friend people and read their LJs, and then there are communities that suit people's various interests that you can join. I belong to a lot of the communities and those usually entertain me since none of my LJ friends update. One of these communities is a community for bipolar patients.
I was perusing my friends' page and came across an entry that made me sad and angry. A girl, whose name I won't mention because I don't know it in the first place and that would be wrong anyway, said that her mother attempted suicide. No one told her, but she found out anyway. She was then told that there was a note. The mother listed people in her family and told them how much she cared about them. Then she told the girl everything that she [the girl] had done to disappoint her [the mother]. Apparently this young lady did not live up to her mother's standards.
Obviously, her mother is a wackjob. Healthy people don't go around attempting suicide. I cannot imagine any of my family telling me that I'm a disappointment. Even if they secretly thought that I was a disappointment and the cause of all their problems, they certainly would never say it to my face, and my family (extended and immediate) isn't exactly mentally stable, generally speaking. If the mother had succeeded in her suicide attempt, her last words to her daughter would've been that her daughter was a fuck up.
What? Who
does that? I mean, my parents and I fight, no doubt about it, but I've never, ever been told that I was worthless or the cause of all their problems and I've never been called a disappointment. What's up with other people's parents, anyway? I guess I'd be the black sheep of the family somewhere else. Who wants to claim a manic depressive high school drop out who attends a community college? Well,
my family does. It's because I'm so awesome that no one cares that I didn't attend much high school. It's not like I was stupid and lazy. I did my homework and I showed up for class and I had a doctor's excuse if I was absent. I understood everything and made good grades. I never failed, no matter how many reasons my teachers tried to use to do it. I just wasn't meant to go to public school.
How can you tell your child who was a part of you that you pretty much hate them, especially when the kid has an illness that's not controllable? You know what? If this girl had cancer, this wouldn't be a fucking problem. Prejudice, ignorance, and plain stubbornness seems to give people their opinion of mental illness. It terrifies them because our minds are where our secrets, memories, thoughts, and feelings dwell. It's our refuge, our hiding place. And if our minds can be sick, then there goes the last of our control. I guess it's understandable, but it doesn't make behaving like a douchebag any more acceptable. It's also really sad when the mother knows what the child goes through and still blames the kid for all her trouble.
Everyone should just be forced to watch RENT or see it live and then the world would be a better place because everyone would love each other.
[this spell check is stupid. I'm pretty sure 'fuck' is a word and that I didn't mean 'Fiji'.]