Sunday, December 03, 2006

almost done.

So Mom decided it would be a good idea to have like 78 blogs or something and is trying to get the hang of managing them all, so that's why she's been neglecting this one a little. I, on the other hand, have been getting ready for finals which are next week. I am so very, very relieved about this semester being over. Next semester I'll be off to LSUS. Wee. That is, if I can ever get a hold of my advisor. I've e-mailed her and haven't gotten a response, so I'm going to try calling her, and then if that doesn't work I'll just go up there myself. I don't get why professors advise us. It's hard enough for them to keep up with all their classes. I find that they're all generally pretty absentminded. They should just have people whose only job is to advise. That'd be a pretty sweet gig.

Oh well. Now, if you'll excuse me, tomorrow is my last class of learning something new in math, so I need to be rested up for that. I've been taking Xanax for sleep because my doctor is a pain in the ass and wrote the wrong amount for Ambien, and if I don't go to sleep soon I'll be a zombie tomorrow. Only without the whole eating brains thing. Ew. (Katee)


JaneDoughnut said...

Good luck!

When I was at LSU-S, the best way to get an advisor appt was to either sign the list on their door or leave a note in their office. Yes, they're busy, but the ones who actually teach the classes are the only ones who know what they're doing.

Anonymous said...

I KNOW your going to stop by my office when walking around there.

We can do lunch at the Port and pretend like your my pissed off daughter and I'm the drunken dad that abandoned you when you were just a kid and cause a really big scene. It will be a blast!


Sarah said...

ok Katee i need ot ask you a question, i know (it seems) you and your mom get along pretty well and all that but do you ever get extremely confrontational with her?
cuz today my mother totally UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. whatever i was just wondering because you know we bipolars are not exactly gandhi-like-people.

Crazy In Shreveport said...

Rick - Yes! Fun times!

Doughnut Jane - I think I'll be doing that tomorrow. I have to go by Old Navy anyway, and it looks like that's going to be the only way I'll ever get in contact with this woman. Thanks :)

Sarah - I replied on your latest entry.

Noma - Hahahahahahaha. You know what really freaks me out? Zombie babies. A vegetarian zaby may or may not be a more terrifying idea because OMG what if it's tempted? Zabies know even less about self-control than babies!

- Katee