Thursday, November 09, 2006

quick update.

This week has been pretty great.

Britney divorced Kevin, the Democrats took back everything ever in the history of government, and I understand math. Kick ass. I attempted to get my learner's permit today, but I failed the goddamn test by one question. Seriously, I don't fail things. This bothers the hell out of me. I may make Ds on things, but by God I don't fail things. I'm a Ravenclaw; failing is not allowed. D:

In other news, I'm exhausted. Stranger Than Fiction is coming out tomorrow. This is important because Emma Thompson (who is the best person ever), Will Ferrell (lulz funny), and Dustin Hoffmann (do I even have to explain why this is a good thing?) are all in it, and it's about novel-writing. Sweet Jesus, did the producers/writers/etc of this movie spy on me and decide to make a movie just for meeeee? Because that's pretty great if they did.

And because I feel like being random: Many people ask me what my goal in life is. And by "many" I mean "none," but bear with me, people. My goal in life is to be on The Daily Show so that I can A) giggle at Jon Stewart being completely awesome/sexy/funny/etc and B) get to answer a random ass question on the Seat of Heat. This means I have to get famous, and we all know I will, because I have fantastical mind powers and seductive beauty.


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