Friday, September 15, 2006

men are kind of clueless.

Men are so. . .urgggh. It is apparently absolutely impossible for them to pick up a phone and call. Okay, look, in this day and age of cell phones it's pretty easy to call someone. I know I even call people without meaning to if I forget to lock the keys when I have a non-flip phone. If you're out of minutes, don't tell me that there is no one else you know that has a cell phone that you can borrow. I mean, holy shit, just about everyone has a cell phone or at least a land line.

I only bring this up because when my mom and I got home from running errands, my dad was gone. This was 4 pm. We figured he'd gone to the grocery store or was getting stuff looked at on the Blazer. I decided to take a nap, and when I woke up at 6 he still wasn't home and hadn't called or anything. My mom went to take a nap, but kept getting up every 5 minutes to see if my dad had called or was home or something. We were all freaked out. He finally came home like 15 minutes ago and sure enough, he'd been getting the Blazer worked on, as he came home with a car CD player front in his pocket.

LEAVE A NOTE OR SOMETHING. Jesus, what is wrong with you people? Every store in the world has a phone that you can use! Paper and pencil work wonders when you can scribble down "I've gone to run around, be back later!" so that we know you haven't been like kidnappedand set on fire or something. Women are natural worriers. DON'T MAKE IT WORSE. Pick up a goddamn phone and call us. YOU HAVE FINGERS, USE THEM! If you don't, then get someone else to dial the number, DAMMIT.



Anonymous said...

Your Dad is a Grown Man!! Sometimes we men like to get away for a few hours - Especially if we live in a house of all females. RESPECT your father and quit thinking he has to report in to his CHILD. I could understand if your Mom posted this blog but you are a little out of line with this thinking. As the old folks say... "You are getting a little too big for your britches"

Oh yeah, Pick up a Thesarus as soon as you can. You will find some useful words to replace the profanity you use when speaking about your Father.

Crazy In Shreveport said...

Thank you for taking time to read our blog.