Friday, October 27, 2006


Bleh. Meaning fever and phlegm. And on the eve of my well deserved vacation. I'm loading up on vitamin C to see if I can shoo this stuff away.

Power outage today. Heard the transformer snap and everything go off.
Asked Charlie to call AEP SWEPCO.
"We have no phone."
"Use Katee's cell."
"Someone else will have done it."
I just want to know that the power company knows. I don't want this to be the beginning of the zombie uprising.

Time passes.

I ask him (I'm eeking out orders from bed 'cause I'm sick) "Did you check to see if there were any whole chickens in the back freezer?"
"Not yet." He checks. "There are none."
Katee's bedroom door opens. "What's up with chickens?"
I answer while gulping down vitamin C and ibuprofen. "To distract the living dead. So we can make our get away."
She looks at me hard. Only like a teenager can do. "You better stop."

More time. Charlie and Katee drop off her prescriptions at Walgreens. The lights pop back on. Charlie bursts through the door with Pumpkin Spice coffee from Circle K (the white trash Starbuck's). He hands me a big cup. My hero!

And the phlegm is a little less green.

Zombie uprisings can start on beautiful days like the one pictured. Katee took it at this year's Revel while we were listening to Trout Fishing in America.


Crazy In Shreveport said...

Now why you got to scare me like that? Night of the Living Dead was on last night and I had to flip past it, the big baby that I am.

Sarah said...

lemme try to understand something, who posts here you or your daughter or both/

you and your daughter seem to have a very cool relationship and she seems to be very smart, despite of the fact she wanted to have her b-day in France. But none of us are perfect:)

Crazy In Shreveport said...

I know it's confusing. That's one thing I need to fix is show who's posting. She and I blog mostly. Charlie (her dad and my husband) posts occasionally. One way you can kind of tell her posts are usually longer and mine are shorter and most of the time have a photograph attached.
Thank you for reading and commenting.