Monday, October 09, 2006

A Party for Your Head

We made to the Revel last night to see Trout Fishing in America.
They'll be there through the week.

Then Katee and I dashed though the grounds glancing at the art. I was thrilled by the photograpy of Charles Bush. His large shot of a family of Roseate Spoonbills was so vibrant in color I stared at it and wondered aloud if he had created the image on his computer. He confirmed that those funky pink birds really do live in Louisiana. His prints were available in a variety of sizes and prices.

Katee begged for coffee and then she decided she was too tired and wanted to come back later in the week. So we tramped down the row of artists on the north side of the train depot and were almost out of booths when I discovered fiber artist Vanessa Cunningham of New Orleans. Her hats are millinery explorations for your noggin. Ladies of all ages were giggling like little girls at a tea party while trying on hats. How exciting to have your art make people feel so good.


Mz.Elle said...

Bon Chapeau!
I adore hats:)

Anonymous said...

I have a pair of comps and parking pass for Lot one where ever that is. Yours should you want them.


Crazy In Shreveport said...

ms.l--I need to get a better picture of these. They really are unusual.

anonymous- Thank you. I've got it covered since I can only go back during the free time because of my work schedule. (insert frowny face)