Thursday, October 26, 2006


OMG it just randomly started pouring down rain. Loudly.

Mm today my shoulders hurt because Meru and I went to the T'ai Chi class and had lots of upper body workout fun. D: It was pretty amazing and smelled awesome inside. I dig aromatherapy.

Why is the rain so loud?

In other news, I want to go back in time, find whichever Babylonian decided it would be a good idea to invent algebra, and stab him in the neck a couple of times. *very unhappy face* I attempted to do nothing today, but it's impossible for me to sit completely still for long periods of time. I always have to be doing something with my hands.

This weekend should be pretty fun. Probably not so much tomorrow because I'm gonna be studying algebra and possibly taking a trip to the learning center at school if I don't start getting faster at this nonsense. On Saturday, however, Meru, her boyfriend Casey, and myself will be celebrating our birthdays. Casey's and my birthday was the 23rd, and Meru's is the 28th. Casey lives in south Louisiana, so he's coming up for a few days I suppose. I haven't seen him in a long while. The plan is to go to the fair, go to Macaroni Grill for dinner, and then go see Saw III. I may skip on the movie, though, because the Saw movies scares me and also because I might be too tired.

I thought Sara would be coming, but it appears that she is angry with me. This is probably because I gave her advice, so her thanks would be to shun me. Women piss me the fuck off. We are so stupid when it comes to men, and sometimes I wish they would all just fuck off and die. Or at least the ones my age because they're pretty damn useless.

Mm sorry, that just made me extremely mad. "Oh, thanks for helping me through a hard time, but now I'm going to not speak to you because you said something mean about my boyfriend!" Fuck your boyfriend. He's the one who got us into this mess in the first place. *flails angrily* DO NOT TALK TO ME IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH. Jesus Christ, hasn't anyone learned that I am the last person to bullshit someone? You'd think since I'm the person who is always like, "Uh, look, you need to shut up and stop being such an ass," my friends would have learned that you come to me for honesty and not bullshit. That just needs to stop because I was under the impression we're all adults here. Also: I am a snarky bitch who is very, very bad at not being blunt when confronted with asshattery. Think of these things, people!

Okay. That's better. For those of you wondering, it's possible for me to be less frustrated when giving advice, but when a person is being stubborn about something dumb, it's more difficult for me to not reach out and smack him or her upside the head. Slightly off topic, I've noticed that when I get extremely pissed off my eyes go out of focus for a few seconds. It's very noticeable when I'm typing up a rant because the screen gets all blurry and weird. I mean, I always heard the expression, "So angry I can't see straight," but I never thought it was actually, you know, true. Apparently it is.

It's rather late. I should probably go to bed. ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One does not have to have a degree to read your blog KT but it helps... :)

I have never read or even heard the word "snarky" before. Then again, I dont get out much.

SNARKY: "A colloquialism meaning short-tempered or snappish"

OKay.. Damn I love this blog yall have here.
