Friday, August 04, 2006

As colorful as the Big Easy Mayor's race

We are nice and polite here in Ratsborough/Port City/Shrevetown/Casino Capital of Louisiana. That's why I had to chuckle when I ran across this tampered with political sign when I found it in the parking lot of El Chico's in Madison Park.

I went back the next day to get a photo of Jerry's Frenched-up look and the sign had been pulled down to the ground with sand bag sitting on it. I propped it up and had a fleeting thought as I was trying to frame the shot "someone just might think I did this." I blew off the notion and continued on as a citizen journalist. Then I put the sign back like I'd found it.

I got into the van and noticed a mini truck parked at an odd angle next to me. I backed out and a man from the truck middle-aged-not-a-big-exerciser hobbled toward me. "Did you do that?" He asked.

"I'm just documenting it."



At this point I think he asked me if I was part of The Noise. Katee swears he asked me if I was part of The Noids (which is a local band). I said no and mumbled something about it's a shame someone had to do this and political races shouldn't be about this. I lied. The grown up part of me thinks that but then there's a part that just grinned.

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