Wednesday, August 02, 2006

mm sleepy now.

I reeeeally don't want to wake up at 8 am tomorrow to get ready for a doctor's appointment at 9:30. I have to go see why my period's being wonky. I always thought my period would've figured itself out by now, really. I mean, I started it when I was 9. You'd think it would've learned that it's supposed to come once a month rather than twice, and sometimes not at all. *sour face*

On the bright side, I registered for classes. This semester I'll be taking three Internet courses and one class that actually requires me to show up at school. The Internet classes are Adolescent Psychology, Art History II, and Western Civ I. And the other one is, of course, math. :( Hopefully I'll be able to concentrate more this semester. I haven't got any friends, so I certainly won't have a social life getting in the way of things. I didn't get all the classes I wanted, though. I'd hoped to retake all the classes I withdrew from and take an extra one, but, eh. All the English 102 classes were already filled, so I'm taking Art History II instead. I need an arts class, anyway. The teacher is my advisor and I wanted to take a class from him to see what he was like.

I've been going over my Intro to Psychology book from last fall because I'm a masochist, apparently. I'm also a Ravenclaw, and those of you who are Harry Potter fans will know what I mean. For those of you who don't, it means that I'm an academic nerd and like learning things, even when it isn't necessary! It also means that I enjoy the color blue and am pretty. :P Well, it's true! All the Ravenclaws in the books are pretty.

What the bloody hell? A case of the hiccups just accosted me. I'm going to go do all those stupid tricks that are supposed to make them go away now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to say TMI baby. But somehow I find myself wanting to know this sort of stuff.

Oh and Mom, Great audio blog. katie is correct, The first take is the keeper. How many times have we sat in the production tomb trying to land that perfect read? Oh Kix Brooks is somehow related to my daughter's mom. Something about her falling off the back of his motorcycle when she was 9. Shes now pushing 40.

Is David Peter Moss still alive?
