Friday, August 18, 2006

wee floaty.

My head's been incredibly clouded lately. School starts Monday. This does not make me happy. It might possibly be the heat, or the Xanax. It's pissing me off either way. I think it might be time to wean off the Xanax anyway. I'm not looking forward to it, but I don't fancy walking around with my head feeling like it's floating away. I thought that I might just be going batshit crazy, but then I realized I'm not hearing voices or seeing things, so that can't be it. The 100+ degree heat everyday is not helping things anyway.

Other than my floaty-ness, things have been okay. This morning I went to the Blackboard orientation that was mandatory for people who are taking online courses for the first time. Most of it was stuff I already knew, but I found out that I can get certain extremely expensive software dirt cheap. As in, I can get Windows XP Professional for $13. Yeah, that's like $387 cheaper. I don't really need it, but since I get such a lovely discount for being a college student, I think I'll just buy it just because it's THIRTEEN DOLLARS. The orientation lasted for about 30 minutes, give or take a few. It was mostly people asking questions about how to send attachments, which never fails to make me WTF all over the place. Yeeeeah, see that button/link that says "Att/Attach/Attchmnt/Attachment"? CLICK IT. And then you find the file, and click that. And you're set. WHY IS THAT SO HARD FOR PEOPLE?

My only question was if Blackboard was compatible with Firefox, but apparently whoever designed Blackboard is still living in 2001 or something because it only works with Internet Explorer and Netscape. Yes, we still have IE, but I don't like to use it, mainly because I don't want someone hacking into my shit and also because it's really annoying. And we haven't had Netscape since 1999 or something. Seriously, these people need to get with the times.

It ended earlier than expected, and I still had 15 minutes until Daddy got there, so I went out to the "designated smoking area" to have a cigarette. Dude, fuck that. There are like 3 "smoking shelters" on that entire campus. There are five thousand people who attend BPCC. I'm pretty sure 75% of them smoke. What is wrong with this picture? I asked a woman who was sitting in there with me when they put this in and she said it started at the beginning of the summer semester. Apparently there was a problem with people throwing cigarette butts on the walkways and in the grass and it unsightly. Also, it's not unusual for the smokers to congregate in front of the buildings and smoke before class, and there were nonsmokers who got all pissed off because it was unhealthy or something.

Okay, look, I know that cigarette smoke smells awful to nonsmokers (it actually smells awful to me) but OMG, you're passing through the walkway for 10 seconds. Unless you have some severe asthma or allergy problems, then STFU. If your health is that bad, you probably shouldn't be walking around a school with germs all over the place.

You know, while we're banning things, I think we need to ban bad fashion and fake orange tans. Yes, girls who wear mini skirts the size of a belt in the middle of January and complain about being cold should be banned. Self-tanner should be banned. As a matter of fact, let's ban idiots from coming to this school. It'd be much smaller and I wouldn't have to take Internet classes to stay away from them. I think that's better than banning smokers any day. >:O

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