Tuesday, August 08, 2006

[warning: there's a lot of foul language. if it offends you, don't read this.]

There's a reason I don't watch a particular local news station, and that's because it sucks and its news is always five days too late. And they never update their goddamn website. We're gonna call this Channel X, so I don't piss anyone off.

Tonight I was watching the 10 o'clock news on Channel X because I was too lazy to get the remote from the coffee table a foot away from me. I was copying notes merrily from my psychology textbook, when I heard a story about LSU Medical Center bitching about something or another. It turns out that the emergency room nurses are angry because people are getting violent in the ER or something else that obviously doesn't ever happen anywhere else in the world. The news media around here seems to have some kind of vendetta against people with neurobiological problems because they constantly refer to us as "mental patients" which always makes me think of one of those huge asylums in old movies that have people wandering around with no clothes on and shit.

Anyhow, the nurses are apparently sick of dealing with us, since we all know that "mental patients" are not "med compliant" and should therefore be turned away so that nurses have less fucking work to do. They're tired of being abused and spit on by the "mental patients." Oh, boofuckinghoo. God, your life is so hard. Did you ever stop to think that maybe the people spitting on you are just pissed off that you're a whiny bitch? Come on, you work at the charity hospital, what the fuck did you think would happen? THE HOSPITAL TREATS PEOPLE FOR FREE. FREE MEANS NO INSURANCE. FREE MEANS LOWER-CLASS. People who can't afford medication come in there and (since they AREN'T ON ANY MEDICATION) are usually (and quite understandably) a little unstable.

Okay, look, I'm sorry that you bloody chose to work at a charity hospital. And I say "chose" because hospitals are always short on nurses, so don't tell me you couldn't fucking find work anywhere else. If you're unhappy, then leave. Get the fuck out. Quit complaining. Find another job, put in your two weeks notice, and go. The last thing people who are depressed/manic/hallucinating/etc need is some haughty bitch getting pissed at them for something that isn't their fault.

You know what? I'm tired of the kids with every other disorder/disease in the world getting better treatment than I did, but I'm working to change it. That new Sutton's Children's Hospital has a ward for every health problem except anything to do with the brain. It pisses me off, but by writing in this blog, working on a psychology degree, and doing something about it, I can goddamn well help. You want to cut down on the "random mental patients" that come into the ER? Then do your FUCKING job. Campaign for better treatment of these individuals. They are scared, they are depressed, and they are looking for help. I don't give a shit about your problems. Compared to the suffering I've seen in my fellow "mental patients," your life is a fucking piece of cake. At least at the end of the day, you get to leave it all behind. We don't have that luxury.

Ignorant motherfuckers.


Anonymous said...

LSUMC sucks. I remember walking out of the Emergency Room in 2000 after waiting 3 hours in pain. Found out I had a cracked rib, concussion and needed stiches in my lip after an accident. I just kept asking for something for the pain. They were taking people with the flu in front of me. They wouldn't even let me go out and smoke for the 3 hours I waited to see someone. I finally walked out caught a cab, went home and healed myself in a few weeks.

But I had the flu 2 days later - Peobably from sitting in a small room for 3 hours in pain with other infected people.


Anonymous said...

I think we all should move to Canada and let the Mexicans have LSUMC