Saturday, August 12, 2006

drugs are bad. D:

Sweet Jesus the last week or two has been bloody miserable. Not because anything depressing has happened; it's just really hot. Last summer it didn't get this hot. Last summer it rarely went above maybe 95 degrees. Last summer the heat was tolerable even on the hottest days. This summer is a completely different story. The heat index is 105 almost everyday and I think the heat has sapped me of every bit of energy I had left. My brain seems to be leaking out of my ears.

I suppose this summer could've been more sociable and more "fun" for me. It's not like people don't invite me places. It's just that those places generally involve alcohol and all kinds of illegal shit I don't want to be around. A friend of mine put up pictures of herself rolling. As in ecstasy. Apparently it was supposed to be impressive, but. . .eh. It just looked like a bunch of teenagers acting like shitheads. Maybe I'm supposed to act like that now or something. Whatever, it doesn't appeal to me at all. I'd rather be writing, reading, singing, or something creative and productive. Partying lost its appeal a long time ago. As did sucking on a pacifier and having other people babysit me.

Besides, being caught with illegal drugs comes with that inconvenient incarceration stuff, which is, quite frankly, a waste of my time and would make me ineligible for future federal loans and Pell grants. Also, I can think of a whole lot of other stuff I'd rather buy instead of drugs, like clothes or books or CDs or DVDs or a new computer or something. Or a baby pit bull. Yeah that was pretty random, but I like pit bulls. I tried to convince my grandpa to give me his, but he won't do it. D:

Tomorrow we're [as in my mother and myself] going to church because we haven't been all summer, and because it's Artist Sunday which is guaranteed fun. Art, music, and all kinds of fun stuff. ^_^ Daddy, of course, cannot be bothered with going to church because going without smoking for an hour is pure torture for him, or something. He also doesn't like because our minister generally doesn't talk about Christianity. This would make sense because it's a Unitarian Universalist church and not a Christian church, but you know, god forbid he actually listen to anything we tell him.

I might've done something for Artist Sunday, like sing, but I just didn't get around to preparing anything. Ah well. And then next week is the swim party which I'll probably go to because OH MY GAAAH it's hot outside.

Classes start the Monday after this one. This makes my head hurt. :( It's too hot for school to start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of depressed. I get that way when I see a kid writing better than I could ever hope for.

This little lady has it together!
