Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Club

I figure this car stealing will cost us about $500 maybe $600. Factor in the repairs that need to be made to the Blazer, buying Club like devices for all three of the cars we own, and then finally breaking down and getting Triple A, which I'm sure will pay for itself since our cars all have about 200,000 miles on them.

After a 41 hour absence the Blazer made its way back to us (for the whole saga see STOLEN CAR, STOLEN CAR PT2, RECOVERED and CHARLIE'S STORY OF THE RECOVERY entries).

I came home early this morning and discovered one of my neighbors in the middle of the street in her nightgown. Her electricity had gone out because of the storm and it was too hot in her house to sleep. She said a group of young thugs had been roaming the block checking the cars parked on the street. She said they'd been talking loudly and pointing out which houses looked like people were still awake in.

Okay now this thing is gonna cost me another hundred dollars because her news makes me want to buy a cop-car-searchlight strength motion detector light and attach it to the front of the house. That'd scare the little bastards away!

Great idea...unless... there's a power outage on my side of the street.


Anonymous said...

Just Buy a $100.00 Shotgun and tell Charlie they are coming to steal his cigarettes. He'll take care of them 4 ya!!

Crazy In Shreveport said...

Maybe I'll just have my cable subscription moved to their house so they'll become couch potatoes and not want to roam the streets.