Saturday, July 29, 2006


You know what's kind of funny and maybe a little ironic, even?

There are soooo many people out there who bitch about how anti-depressants are handed out like candy and that they're not needed and such, which may very well be true for some cases of depression. If talk therapy works, then that's peachy. However, it's interesting that these same people who say this will take antibiotics and steroids like it's nothing, and also have no problem with something like Viagra.

These people are ignorant fuckfaces.

I don't get sick all that much, and when I do, I'll rarely take antibiotics unless I will die if I don't, like with strep throat or something. I like my immune system healthy, thank you. I also resent the hell out of steroids. One reason is because I go batshit insane (read: manic as all hell) if I take them, and another is because they have horrible side effects. Some of these go away with time, and some don't. The ones that suck the most include liver tumors, jaundice, fluid retention, and high blood pressure. Also, steroids fuck up hormones. Women get hairy, stop having their periods, and get deeper voices, while men grow breasts and lose their balls. If you're a transsexual, this is great. If you aren't, well, then you're not going to appeal to anyone very much.

Don't get me wrong, both of these types of drugs can be extremely helpful, but people are taking them for stupid reasons. Doctors are pill-happy. This is because the pharmaceutical companies have lots of expensive vacations to give away if their pills are sold. I'm not naive, I know this. Before I switched to private insurance, I had a doctor that was like, in love with steroids. She prescribed steroids for all my ailments. I took my antibiotics for the strep throat; I did not take the steroids. I have problems with arthritis in my wrists and knees. Instead of saying something sensible like, "Go get some glucosamine condtroitine," she prescribed steroids.


I took the glucosamine instead and my joints are certainly less creaky, and I didn't even have to crazy to do it! YAY OMG. I took steroids once when I was prescribed them after I got my wisdom teeth out, and it was probably because I was so hopped up on Lortab that I could've taken speed and not noticed.

Oh! Speaking of Lortab, how come everyone's so goddamn willing to take pain pills? Hmmmmmm? THEY ARE WORSE FOR YOU THAN XANAX.

I get bitched out by idiots who think that I should learn to control my mind and blah blah bullshit, but they won't hesitate to take antibiotics for acne or something. I know what you can do about that acne! You could make yourself believe you don't have acne, and then you won't anymore! Isn't that what you're telling me to do? But because it's physical and you can see it, there's a difference, right, you vain son of a bitch?

That makes me so MAD! We'll make a deal, then. I will stop my medication when you stop being a hypocrite. Sweet. Oh, but here's the best part. Someone will tell me that I'm not crazy, and therefore do not need to be on my medication because I'm not showing symptoms of battiness at the moment. That's like saying, "Well, your don't look like you have diabetes, so I guess you really don't need this insulin." And then everyone gets all pissed off when I get crazy. OH MY GOD THERE IS NO PLEASING PEOPLE.



Crazy In Shreveport said...

I think you should be able to obtain vacations or trips to the beach with your medical insurance money. Or a membership to a gym with free massages. I'm sure hot rocks on my back would cure bunches of my ailments.

When my grandmother was dying of congestive heart failure they tried an experimental surgery on her. It didn't work and she passed. She'd of been much happier having medicare pay for a cruise and new clothes. She loved to shop!

Crazy In Shreveport said...


- Katee